The 10 most read articles (last 30 days)
Antimicrobial resistance and genderdi Teresita Mazzei et al.Gender differences in colorectal cancer surgerydi Silvia Negro et al.Sex differences in oral anticoagulants persistence among patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillationdi Eliana Ferroni et al.Sex differences in immunosuppressive maintenance therapy and incidence of outcomes in kidney transplant recipientsdi Arianna Bellini et al.Recurrent multivessel spontaneous coronary dissections in a 43-year-old hypertensive woman: a case reportdi Daniela Trabattoni et al.Does sex matter in solid organ transplantation? Analysis of 20-year activity data from the Italian National Deceased Donor Transplant Registerdi Francesca Puoti et al.Acknowledgments to refereesGender differences in the psychopathological impact of the third pandemic wave of SARS-CoV-2 on healthcare workers: results of the ‘COVID-19 Stress-Test’ study at Teramo hospitaldi Lia Ginaldi et al.Gender-based approach: an essential tool in patient safety management and forensic medicine practicedi Sara Sablone et al.Diversity and inclusion: a viewpointdi Ineke Klinge et al.